Wags For Wellness

Wags for Wellness is an Animal Assisted Activity, featuring well trained and highly skilled volunteer pups from our partner organization People. Animals. Love. (PAL). Each team consists of at least one dog and one human, all of whom provide love, connection, companionship, and stress relief to the campus community.
These visits can also serve as a great outlet for emotional wellbeing for our students who may be missing their childhood or family pets.
Regularly Scheduled Events - Open to All
Open to all undergraduate and graduate students.
Mon, February 3rd | 11am-1pm | Stamp Atrium |
Thurs, February 13th | 11pm-1pm | Health Center, Ground Floor |
Fri, February 21st | 1pm-3pm | McKeldin Library, 2nd Floor |
Mon, March 3rd | 11am-1pm | Stamp Atrium |
Thurs, March 13th | 11pm-1pm | Health Center, Ground Floor |
Mon, April 7th | 11am-1pm | Stamp Atrium |
Thurs, April 10th | 11am-1pm | Health Center, Ground Floor |
Fri, April 18th | 1pm-3pm | McKeldin Library, 2nd Floor |
Mon, May 5th | 11am-1pm | Stamp Atrium |
Thurs, May 8th | 11am-1pm | Health Center, Ground Floor |
Fri, May 16th | 1pm-3pm | McKeldin Library, 2nd Floor |
Special Events
Wags for Wellness offers visits exclusively for Student Athletes. Pre-registration is not required, but Student Athletes will be asked to sign-in when they arrive.
These events will be held from 11am - 1pm in Gosset Hall on the following Wednesdays:
- Wed, February 12th
- Wed, March 12th
- Wed, April 9th
- Wed, May 14th
Date | Time | Location | About |
Thurs, September 5th | 7pm-9pm | Stamp, Grand Ballroom | Terps After Dark |